New Products

Below are a selection of products recently added to the extensive range available from Pycko Scientific

Adjustable length handle option for the Model 44-10

Model 44-10 with Extension Handle – Part Number 4002-1159

Model 3002/FM Series Alpha-Beta Floor Monitor

The Model 3002/FM Series Alpha-Beta Floor Monitors allow a user to quickly survey large areas for alpha-beta contamination. They combine the dependable Model 3002 Alpha-Beta Survey Meter with two alpha-beta scintillation detectors in configurations ideal for floor monitoring

Model 3002 FM1 and Model 3002 FM2

Model 3014 Dual-Detector Digital Survey Meter/SCA

The Ludlum Model 3014 is a durable, lightweight instrument with both an internal energy-compensated gamma detector and a connection for an external detector.It features a large, easy-to-read LCD screen and audible alarms and is controlled using a simple five-button interface. The unit body is made of high-impact plastic and splash-resistant construction allows the instrument to be used outdoors.

Scintillation Detector For Neutron Counting

Li-based neutron scintillator

  • Effective pulse-height discrimination between γ and neutrons (γ/n down to 10-5)
  • Nominal sensitivity up to So = 1.4 CPS / (
  • Fast response – more than 106 neutrons / second
  • Low sensitivity to γ overfeed

Scintillator detector

  • High signal over 10 mV
  • Ambient HV needed, typically about 1000 V
  • PMT noise easily rejected by PSD (Pulse-Shape-Discrimination) or by coincidence of 2 PMTs
  • Easy threshold calibration with 241Am @ 60 keV
  • No microphonic effect

Model 70 Series Spectroscopic Personal Radiation Detector

The Ludlum Model 70 Series is a high resolution CZT-type detector that delivers unparalleled performance in express radionuclide identification and radiation dose assessment from low to moderate-high or moderately high levels. Continuous dose rate monitoring and recording enables the user to be instantly informed about radiation exposure and to carefully analyze radiation dose risks by exploring the dose rate recorded charts.

The instrument is accompanied by GalaxRayWiz software, a powerful tool which communicates with the device, analyzes gamma-spectra and dose-rate time profiles accumulation of 14 hours. Collected data can be easily transferred via USB or Wi-Fi.

Model 35 Vehicle Radiation Monitor

The Ludlum Model 35 is a versatile, lightweight, vehicle-mounted instrument with an external detector used for alpha, beta, or gamma radiation survey. It remains unobtrusive until an alarm level is reached. When an alarm level is reached the monitor can be quickly removed from the mount for closer inspection. Three modes of operation – RATE, MAX, and COUNT – are available for the user. Measurements can be collected in two sets of units (primary and secondary) for RATE and MAX modes in cps, cpm, Bq, dpm, R/hr, rem, or Sv/h units. The user can switch between two sets of chosen units by simply pressing the Units button.

Model 52-1-6 Vehicle Beta/Gamma Radiation Portal Monitor

The Model 52-1-6 is designed for detecting beta/gamma contamination on vehicles. Six highly sensitive plastic scintillation detectors are arranged in two towers of three detectors each, permitting thorough scanning when operated in a stop-and-count mode. The instrument can also be used in quick scan mode as a drive-through portal monitor. Self-diagnostic routines check background counts and warn if levels are either too high or too low. User-adjustable alarms allow the operator to select individual alarms only, sum alarms only, or both individual and sum alarms.  Sum alarms group detector pairs horizontally and also the two separate towers of detectors.

Model 54 Small Article Monitor

Automating routine contamination frisking using instruments like Ludlum’s Small Article Monitor is a well-proven methodology for ensuring that items leaving controlled areas are clean. Ludlum’s new Model 54 has adopted time-tested and proven concepts, gathered from throughout the industry, and integrated them into a new, ground-up design that employs the latest computer and detector technologies. The result is a more robust, user-friendly, and cost-effective design than any other currently available.

Model 54A Small Article Monitor

Automated, routine contamination frisker type instruments like Ludlum’s Small Article Monitor are part of a well-proven methodology for ensuring that items leaving controlled areas are clean. Ludlum’s new Model 54A is a smaller version of the  Model 54 and incorporates identical field-proven algorithms and features. The 45.3 L (1.6 cubic foot) volume of the Model 54A offers greater convenience for monitoring smaller articles. 

Model 44-150-1 Gamma GM Detector

The Model 44-150-1 is a low-level Geiger-Mueller (GM) gamma survey detector that can be used with any portable ratemeter, scaler instrument, or area monitor that provides 550 Vdc with an input sensitivity of 30 ±10 mV.

Model 44-150-3 High-Sensitivity Gamma Detector

The Model 44-150-3 is a high-sensitivity Gieger-Mueller (GM) detector for low-level gamma radiation. It can be used with survey meters, scalers, and area monitors.

NUTRONIC NT980 8 Position Gassless Alpha/Beta Counter

The Nutronic NT980 is the first choice for counting large number of smear wipe samples or other low-level samples. With a 8-position high efficiency sealed gas proportional detector the NT980 can measure large amounts of samples is short times. The NT980 includes a panel PC with touch screen. User friendly software controls the measurement and displays the result. A detailed report of each measurement can be printed on a standard printer connected to the NT980.

Model 9DP-1* Ambient Dose Ion Chamber Survey Meter

The Model 9DP-1* is a variant of the highly sensitive Model 9DP-1 pressurized ion chamber meter that provides measurements of ambient dose. Ambient dose equivalent is defined as the dose equivalent readout that would be measured at a (human) tissue depth of 10 mm. This requires a special ion chamber that can provide a conversion of the (air kerma) exposure rate to provide the ambient dose and dose rate.

Model 3277/1 Alpha-Beta Frisker

The Model 3277/1 is a wall-mount or desktop instrument that can be used for frisking personnel or objects for alpha and beta contamination. A large, colour touch-screen displays alpha and beta readings simultaneously, and dual tone click-audio enables the user to easily distinguish between alpha and beta contamination. Power is supplied by either an internal, rechargeable battery or a 100 – 240 Vdc wall transformer. Battery life is approximately 8 hours under normal usage.

Large Alpha/Beta Scintillation Detectors Model 43-93, 43-147, 43-203 & 43-204

Ludlum Measurements Inc. alpha/beta scintillation detectors were designed for alpha/beta surveying when coupled with compatible instruments. Discriminating between alpha and beta radiation simultaneously requires the counting instrument to have either separate power supplies or window/threshold controls for each channel.